Rules & Regulations
Rules Regarding Payment of Fees
1. Tuition fees will be collected in 8 instalments. The first instalment including the special fees will be collected on the date of admission.
2. Subsequent instalment will be collected on or before 7th consecutive working day of each month.
3. If any student fails to pay the fees or special fee on the due date he/she shall be liable to pay a fine of Ps.25/- along with the fees on or before the 10th day and if it happened to be a holiday, the next working day will be counted as the 10th day.
4. If the fees with the fine of Rs. 25/- is not paid on or before the 10th after the due date an additional fine of Rs. 1/- will have to be paid within 15 days fromthe roll of the college. If, he/she is to be re/admitted he/she has to apply for the special permission of the Principal to remit the arrears of fees.
1. Attendance will be taken daily at the beginning of each class. Absence during one period will be counted as absence on that session.
2. Students are required to be in their places at the beginning of each class. They are not allowed to leave the classroom without permission of the teacher.
3. Students who come late shall not enter the class without the permission of the teacher.
Leave of Absence
1. No students shall absent himself from a class without leave. All applications for leave have to be countersigned by the group tutor.
2. A student absenting himself without leave for 10 consecutive working days shall have his name struck off the roll.
3. In the case of absence from any test paper or composition, or other exercise the paper or exercise missed must be answered and the answer paper or book should be submitted to the teacher concerned, failing which the student will be punished.
Attendance Certificate
The grant of the annual certificate of attendance will be subject to the following conditions :
1. The certificate will not be granted unless student has completed the course of instruction to the satisfaction of the college authorities and the progress and conduct has been satisfactory.
2. The minimum attendance of total working days of the year required for the annual certificate is absolutely necessary for promoting and for admission to University Examinations.
3. Students whose attendance falls below the minimum shall apply for the exemption through the Principal to the University. The application for exemption shall be accompanied by the treasury receipt of Rs. 50/. The reason for each day’s absence will have to be explained. In the case of absence on account of illness medical certificate is also to be submitted.
In no case will exemption be granted by the Universiy, if the shortage ofattendance exceeds 20 days. Exemption will be granted only once during a course of study.
N.B. No application for exemption will be recommended by the Principal unless he is satisfied that the shortage of attendance was due to cause beyond student’s control. Ordinarily only long continued illness will be accepted as a plea for shortage of attendance. Absence without leave will not be condoned under any circumstances.
College Examination
1. There will be two internal examinations in each semester
2. In addition to the above internal examinations, periodic class examinations and test papers may be held at the discretion of teachers.
3. Exemptions from attendance for the college examination and test papers is granted only for valid reasons by the Principal or group tutors.
4. Students absenting themselves from the above examinations owing to reason of health shall produce medical certificates from the doctor not below the rank of an Asst. Surgeon.
Rules of admission
1. Application for admission is to be made in the prescribed form available at the College on payment of a Registration fee for B.A.,B.Sc,B.Com,M.A., M.Com.and M.Sc. Registration of an application does not guarantee selection for admission and the fee will not be refunded at any circumstances.
2. The form of application duly filled in should be sent to the Principal so as to reach her soon after the publication of the examination results. In all subsequent enquiries Registration Number should be quoted.
3. If the application is favourably considered an intimation card assigning a date for interview with the Principal will be sent to the applicant. All selections are but provisional and will only be confirmed after the personal interview with the principal,scrutiny of the certificates and payment of the first instalment of fees.
4. At the interview with the Principal,the Head of the Department& tutor,the applicant should produce the information card and the following certificates.I. Transfer Certificate from the institution last attended
II. Course and Conduct Certificates
III. Pass certificates
IV. Migration Certificate (for applicants coming from other Universities)
5. If after the interview the admission is sanctioned,the applicant may get herself enrolled forthwith on payment of the fees.
6. Original Certificate submitted at the time of admission will not be returned to the students during their course of study. Students are therefore,directed to keep certified true copies of the same before submitting the originals for admission.
7. (i) Students belonging to Scheduled castes,Scheduled Tribes and other Eligible Communities according to the entries in their SSLC Book are not required to pay fees. Converts from the above castes have to produce at the time of admission,the community and Conversion Certificates from the authorities concerned to get the fee concession and other financial aids from the Government. Other backward Community students should produce,preferably right at the time of admission,community and income Certificates,to get the benefit of the concession.
(ii) They shall submit the required certificates and fill in the necessary application forms for the purpose as and when wanted by the office,failing which the fee concession will not be granted.
(iii) Granting of fee concession and the financial aids be fully in accordance with the Government orders issued from time to time and communicated by the Harijan Welfare Department.
Disciplinary Rules of the College
1. The students should be regular and punctual in attending classes.
2. Every morning we begin our work with ‘ Daivadasakam’.Come to attention when it begins and keep standing till it ends.
3. The students have to be in their respective class rooms by 9.30 a.m. and should not leave the classes except during intervals.
4. Any student who is unable to attend the class has to produce the leave note signed by the parent/guardian.
5. The student should comply with the rules and regulations regarding dresscode.
6. When a student wants to enter or leave the class room when the class is going on, he/shall do so only after getting the consent of the teacher.
7. The students shall not bring any offensive articles like weapons, explosives including crackers.
8. The students shall not loiter in the verandah of college premises during class hours.
9. No indecent representation shall be made by any student towards any other student either in words,letters,gestures or by any other means.
10. Students shall not bring tobacco and its various products,
intoxicating drinks,narcotic or psychotropic substances to the college.
11. The students shall bestow utmost respect to the members of both the teaching and non teaching staff in the college and outside.
12. The students are bound to obey the directions given by the teachers and their disobedience would amount to serious misconduct.
13. A student who has any complaint against other students,teaching staff or non teaching staff shall represent the same either in writing or orally to the Principal directly,or to the tutors or to the H.O.D’sor Discipline Committe such representations can be made if necessary, by the Parents/Guardians of the students.
14. The student should always keep with him /her the Identity Card and shall produce the same to the authorities as and when demanded.
15. As per the judgement of the Honourable High court of Kerala WA No.535 of 2003 at 26/5/2003, political activism is banned in the college campus. Students are forbidden to organise or attend meetings other than the official ones in the class rooms or in the campus.
16. The students shall not bring flags, placards, pamphlets, banners, posters or any pubilicity material of the political parties or student organisations.
17. No notice should be pasted without the permission of the principal within the college campus.
18. The students shall keep away from all sorts of agitations like strike,disturbing classes,taking out processions,uttering slogans etc inside the college premises.
19. Mobile phones are not permitted in the College campus.
20. The students shall not bring any outsiders to the college premises for any purpose whatsoever without the consent of the Principal.
21. The students shall not organise or go on tour,picnic or excursion without getting the explicit permission of the Principal.
22. Malpractice in test papers and examinations will render a student liable to severe punishment which might amount to refusal of promotion or expulsion from the college.
23. Entering any classes, not belonging to the student without prior permission from the principal is a punishable offence.
24. No student or office bearer of any associations shall give any matter regarding the activities of the college to the press without the approval and permission of the Principal.
25. The students shall not cause any loss or damage intentionally to the college property. the intentional causing of loss or damage will be considered as a serious misconduct and will be proceeded with the same and will be liable for recovery of the loss. Unintentional causing of loss or damage to the property of the college will result in recovery of the loss or damage from the student /students concerned.
26. The students are bound to obey the directions issued from time to time,by the Principal and the authorities. the said directions shall be published on the Notice Board and the students are expected to read the notice board and the students are expected to read the noticeboard on a day to day basis.
27. Students who persistently misbehave in the college will run the risk of their fee and other concessions being cancelled.
28. Students indulging in indisciplined acts such as irregular attendance, insubordination of teachers negligence of regular class work are liable to be dismissed from the college.
29. Any student who commits any of the misconducts mentioned above, or framed from time to time, or is guilty of any omission which may amount to misconduct is liable to be proceeded against. The disciplinary committee constiuted by the principal shall intiate the disciplinary proceeedings aganist the student /students concerned. The committee shall submit its report to the Principal. The Principal shall be the final authority to decide as the punishment to be imposed if the student / students are found guilty of any misconduct.
Proceedings of the Manager & Principal
In addition to the existing Rules and Regulations the following set of Rules are incorporated in the Rules and Regulations of the College w.e.f. 20.07.2015
1. All political and organisational activities are strictly prohibited in the campus. Student organisations are not recognised by the college authorities and are banned inside campus. Their request or demands shall not be entertained. However, those organisations that are complementary to the academic pursuit can be permitted by the Principal.
2. Nobody shall disrupt the academic atmosphere of the college under any circumstances. Any such activities that may hamper the academic ambience of the institution will be seriously dealt with. Such misconduct would entail major punishment including expulsion from college. If necessary, criminal prosecution also will be invoked.
3. Destruction of college properties would entail civil as well as criminal proceedings. Delinquents will be held liable to pay compensation for the loss.
4. Nobody shall instigate or engage in activities such as strike, demonstration, agitation, slogan shouting etc. within college campus. Any attempt to interrupt the day to day affairs of the college, like admission, classes, examinations etc. will not be tolerated. Under such circumstances, the college authorities will take appropriate action against the offenders to ensure law and order situation.
5. College Union Election will be conducted only under Indirect Mode/Parliamentary System. No external or political interference shall be permitted. Outsiders shall not enter college campus without the permission of college authorities.
6. Smoking/chewing, use of tobaco, Pan Parag, drugs, liquor etc., including all such products that are either banned, illicit or injurious to health are strictly prohibited inside the college campus. Nobody shall enter the college campus after consuming liquor/drugs or under intoxication.
7. Use of Cell Phone/Mobile Phone is prohibited inside College Campus. Cell phone/Mobile phone shall be switched off before entering the campus. Cell phones with camera are banned inside college campus by the State Government. In the event of any violation of the above, action will be taken including confiscation of the device and imposition of fine.
8. All legal and reasonable grievance of the students will be addressed by the College Authorities. In the event of any such grievance, the aggrieved can approach the respective Class Teacher or the Student’s Grievance Reddressal Committee existing in the College. The decision of the Principal shall be final.
9. Teachers are directed to insist the compliance of the above Rules and Regulations strictly. Violations, if any, shall be reported to the principal swiftly.
10. Academic Excellance and Discipline are the main concern of the institution. The staff, and students are requested to cooperate for the smooth functioning of our college and to provide healthy and peaceful atmosphere for achieving maximum input in learning and teaching.
Say ‘No’ to Ragging
What constitutes Ragging: Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts:
1. Any conduct by any student or students either by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness’ a fresher or any other student.
2. Indulging in rowdy or indisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student.
3. Asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student.
4. Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any other student or a fresher.
5. Exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students.
6. Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other student by students.
7. Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, homosexual assulted, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person.
8. Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, post, public insults which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to fresher or any other student.
9. Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student.